Ag Equipment Intelligence
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EDA Compensation Report Reflects Expansion of Precision-Focused Positions

December 22, 2017

Every two years, the Equipment Dealers Assn. (or EDA) releases their Compensation & Benefits Report, a comparison of salaries, benefits and unique components of compensation plans from 1,500 dealership responses throughout North America.

Included in the most recent report, released and compiled in 2016, is a widened scope on precision farming-related positions, both at the corporate and dealership level.

Included in the analysis are maximum and minimum salaries from varying dealership sizes, ranging from revenues under $10 million to over $100 million. The report also compares commission averages, which are based on profit, total sales or total salary.

All of the information and commentary on job descriptions are reported directly by the participating dealerships.

Joe Dykes, the EDA’s vice president of industry relations, says dealerships looking to compare their compensation plans have used the report in salary assessment reviews, and as the demand for precision products and services continue to expand, insights from dealership peers could become increasingly vital.

“It’s not a definitive book, but it’s something that they can see currently if they’re way behind the average or if they’re above average, or do they need to make some adjustments or at least consider some adjustments, in these various positions, especially the new positions that are coming on. We added a few new positions this year that we haven’t seen, like Agronomist and GPS specialist and things like that. We’re seeing more and more of the big dealership groups hire fulltime positions to better reflect what they’ve got to do to service their customers.”


More coverage from the report and the growing impact of precision services at dealerships can be found online at