Top 10 Ag Equipment Intelligence Stories in October 2018
Here’s a list of the most popular items we’ve published at from the month of October:
1. Survey Shows Ag Economy Expectations Worsening
2. Deere Announces Senior Management Changes
3. How Case IH’s NAFTA Chief Views Dealer and Ag Trends
4. Will USMCA Alleviate U.S. Dairy Supply Situation?
5. John Deere, New Holland Top Massey in Brazil Tractor Production & Sales
6. Move to E15 a Shot in the Arm for Corn Farmers, Hopefully Ag Equipment Sales
8. Ag-Pro Acquires Wilson Equipment of South Carolina; Now Has 60 Deere Stores
9. Mahindra Reports Tractor Sales Fell 18% in September
10. Kuhn Group to Acquire French Sprayer Manufacturer Artec
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