Ag Equipment Intelligence

Final 2019 Crop Progress Report: Corn Harvest Nearly Complete

December 10, 2019

Following a review from the NASS on the current harvest status of corn, cotton and sunflower crops, the USDA has issued the final crop progress report for 2019.

The final report showed corn progress still behind at 92% harvested as of Dec. 8, compared to 100% harvested this time last year and the 100% harvested 5 year average. North Dakota remains the most behind state at just 43% of corn harvested this week, with no data available to compare to last year’s harvest progress or the 5 year average.

Sunflower harvests remain behind as well at 73% harvested. In the states of North Dakota and South Dakota, sunflower harvests are at 60% and 79% complete respectively, with no data from this time last year or the 5 year average to compare.

Cotton crops are also still coming in across the U.S. with 89% of cotton harvested as of Dec. 8., with no data from this time last year or the 5 year average to compare. The two states most behind in their cotton harvest are Texas and Kansas at 82% each.

According to the USDA, crop progress reporting will begin again on April 6, 2020.