Mahindra, Escorts Report Reduced Tractor Sales in March
According to a report from Business Standard, Mahindra’s domestic tractor sales were at 13,418 units in March, down 37.5% from 18,446 tractors sold in March of last year. Total tractor sales (exports and imports) for March were down 30.9% at 13,613 units last month compared to 19,688 in the previous year.
According to another report from, Escorts saw similar decreases last month, with a 54.3% decline in total tractor sales. Sales were at 11,905 in March 2019 compared to 5,444 units last month. Domestic sales were down last month to 5,228 units, a 54.3% decrease from 11,431 in the same time last year. Exports suffered as well, falling 54.4% from 474 units sold in March 2019 compared to 216 units sold last month. For the fiscal year ending March 31, Escorts’ tractor sales dropped 10.8% to 86,018 sales from 96,412 sales in FY19. Tractor exports, however, rose 56.7% from 1,971 in FY19 to 3,089 in FY20.