Ag Equipment Intelligence

Christian Radons Takes Over Claas Global Sales Responsibility

May 26, 2020

Harsewinkel, Germany — Christian Radons will be joining the group executive board at Claas with responsibility for the global Sales and Service division. He succeeds Bernd Ludewig, who will take on new activities outside the company.

Christian Radons"We would like to thank Bernd Ludewig for his successful development work as Regional Managing Director in Eastern Europe and his four years of committed service on the Group Executive Board," explains Thomas Böck, Chairman of Claas’ Group Executive Board. "We are also very pleased that with Christian Radons, we have been able to internally recruit an experienced and imaginative manager for this important task."

Radons has been part of the Claas Group for around 20 years now and initially held various commercial management positions, including that of Commercial Director when Claas Global Sales was launched. He was appointed Managing Director of the technology subsidiary Claas Agrosystems in 2012, which later became Claas E-Systems. This company was founded in 2014 during his time as managing director and moved into the newly built Electronics Development Centre in Dissen in 2017. Radons has headed up the sales region of Western Europe and Oceania as Regional Managing Director since October 2017 and has also led the sales region of Africa and the Middle East since 2019.

This means that Claas’ Group Executive Board will comprise the following members: Thomas Böck (Chairman, Forage Harvesting Business Unit and Technology and Systems Division), Hans Lampert (Finance and Controlling Division), Jan-Hendrik Mohr (Grain Harvest Business Unit), Dr. Jens Foerst (Tractor Business Unit) and Christian Radons (Sales and Service Business Unit).