Condition of Corn and Soybean Decline Slightly
The condition of the U.S. corn and crops deteriorated in the past week, according to USDA’s August 30 Crop Progress report. And of the two largest corn and soybean producing states, Illinois is far ahead of neighboring Iowa in terms of the health of its crops.
Overall, USDA reports that the condition of this year’s corn crop slipped 2% compared to the previous week. Corn acres rated as “good” or “excellent” dropped from 64% during the previous week to 62% for the week ended Aug. 30. This is still better compared to a year ago when only 58% of corn was considered in “good” or “excellent” condition at this point.
Comparatively, 70% of Illinois corn was rated as “good” and “excellent,” while in Iowa, which has suffered from drought and the drecho wind storm, only 45% of the crop made the “good” and “excellent” grade.
For soybeans, 66% overall were rated as “good” and “excellent” vs. 64% a year earlier. The Illinois crop appears to be in much better condition, with 72% considered as “good” and “excellent” vs. only 50% in Iowa.
Some 94% of corn has reached the dough stage compared with 88% last year at this time and the 5 year average of 89%. Currently, 63% of corn has reached the dented stage, up from 44% a week earlier and 37% on this date in 2019. The 5 year average is 56% of corn dented at this date.
This year’s corn crop also appears to be maturing rapidly as 12% reached this stage as of this past Sunday vs. 5% a week earlier and 5% a year ago. The 5 year average is 10% for this date.
As for soybean progress, 95% are reported to be setting pods compared to 84% a year earlier and the 5 year average of 93% for this date. Some 8% of soybeans have begun dropping leaves vs. 3% for this date last year and the 5 year average of 8%.