North Carolina New Holland dealer Premier Equip­ment Co. of Rocky Mount has pur­chased Hines Equip­ment. The new location will open May 9. The dealership has 2 locations in North Carolina.

Premier Equip­ment ac­quired the prop­erty at the end of Fe­bru­ary and at the same time ac­quired En­field Trac­tor and Equip­ment. The lo­ca­tion has 15 em­ploy­ees, with a mix of new­com­ers and em­ploy­ees who worked for Hines Equip­ment.

“We were able to pro­vide an op­por­tu­nity and con­tinue on with a num­ber of the em­ploy­ees that have had many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in this busi­ness, as well as adding some new folks to the team,” says Andy Blan­ton, chairman. “So, we’ve been for­tu­nate enough to kind of have a whole bunch of ex­pe­ri­enced folks and then be able to grow our team as well.”

Premier Equipment Co. was founded in 2019 and also sells Mahin­dra, Grasshop­per, Echo, Stihl and Ex­mark prod­ucts.