Washington, DC — According to Growth Energy, summer sales of E15 are up 46% in 2019 compared to 2018 on a per-store basis. This past summer saw the number of stores offering E15 fuel increase, with the retail industry adding 149 stores over the summer months. The 2019 summer driving season was the first summer that E15 fuel was sold without restriction.
Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, forecast growing interest in E15 fuel, saying, “With summertime sales already up 46% over last summer, we expect to see interest from retailers and consumers alike continue to grow.”
This comes as good news to ethanol and corn producers, both of whom have been facing considerable economic hurdles in 2019, including a tough growing season and an industry battle over EPA small refinery exemption waivers. Ethanol production uses approximately one-third of total corn production on an annual basis as its main feedstock.
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