Data from USDA's 2021 Prospective Plantings Report estimates soybean planted area at 87.6 million acres, up 5% year-over-year from 83.1 million acres in 2020. This includes soybean acreage estimated up or unchanged in 23 of the 29 estimating states.
Planted corn acreage was estimated at 91.1 million acres, up less than 1% from 2020 planted acreage of 90.8 million acres. Planted corn acreage was estimated to increase or remain unchanged in 24 of the 48 estimating states.
All wheat planted area for 2021 was estimated at 46.4 million acres, up 5% from 44.4 million acres in 2020. This represents the fourth lowest all wheat planted area since records began in 1919.